
Boston Metaphysical Society: Mystery at Pikes Peak #1-2

Created by Madeleine Holly-Rosing

Fleeing arrest, the team arrives at Tesla's Experimental Station to face a dangerous turn in Caitlin's abilities and a murder plot.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

And We Are Back!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 01:03:48 PM

Hello Awesome Backers:

My apologies for not posting in awhile, but I wanted to wait until I had something positive to tell you. 

Elisabeth has turned in the first six pages of issue 3. She's averaging about 3 pages every 2 weeks or so. It's slow going, but we're finally moving forward. Kaytee will begin coloring when 15 pages are completed as she tends to crank things out. As for running the Kickstarter for Issue 3, I'm not sure when I will do that. It really depends on how the issue progresses over the next few months. If all goes well, I'm inclined to do a short campaign in the fall to get this in your hands. However, I'm also pressing ahead to pull together a hardback of Vol. 2 since so many have asked for it.

We shall see. Either way, I will keep you posted. And thank you for your patience. 

Be sure to check out these campaigns before you go...



This isn't a science fiction comic book series. IT'S PROPHECY.

No spaceships, no light speed, no cryo pods. Just bacteria and A.I in a probe the size of a pencil. Then a man and a woman at the edge of the universe with a single purpose; stay alive.

Kickstarter Link:

The Ex-Wives of Frankenstein 1-3

Issue 3 of the modern re-imagining of the Frankenstein mythos, told from the side of the women left to clean up the mess.

Break ups are hard, especially if your ex becomes beloved on the internet. Now, imagine they were an ACTUAL monster. (BTW, I LOVE this series.)

Kickstarter Link:

Thank you. More to come.

Best, Madeleine

Only Four Days Left in the Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback Campaign!
3 months ago – Sat, Apr 13, 2024 at 05:27:05 PM

Hello Awesome Backers:

There's ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT in the campaign.

So far, we have reached SIX STRETCH GOALS!  Which means, everyone who pledges to a reward will receive eighteen (18) digital indie comics. Everyone who pledges to a physical reward will receive a holographic owl sticker, and for those getting the hardback, you'll get all of the above plus the hardcover which will now come with a gray satin ribbon bookmark and foil stamping!

I can't wait to see foil stamping on this cover.

Plus, we added on a new "Add-on." Our first ever BMS puzzle! 1000 pcs. 20" x 28" (Limit 25)

Be sure to pledge today before time runs out!

Kickstarter Link:

Thank you for your support.

Best, Madeleine

Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback Kickstarter Has Launched!
4 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 04:39:24 PM

Hello Awesome Backers:

I'm happy to announce that the campaign for our first ever Boston Metaphysical Society Vol. 1 Hardback has launched. This deluxe volume features not only our original six issue mini-series, but pin up art, a sneak peak into Granville's weapons designs, PLUS A NEW and EXCLUSIVE TEN PAGE STORY with art/color by MJ Erickson, into a huge 164 page book!

We have an Early Bird Special which will go by faster than you think, so be sure to pledge today!

Cover by Rebekah Issacs.

Kickstarter Link:

AND...Not only are we doing a limited print run of both the hard and soft covers, but for the first time we are offering 3.5 X 2” "Special Detective" Metal Business Cards in BRASS, COPPER, and BLACK STAINLESS STEEL in specific reward tier levels. However, you will have the option of adding on a set of all three if you like.

Be sure to check out all of our reward tiers and pledge today.

Kickstarter Link:

Thank you!   Best, Madeleine

BMS Vol. 1 Hardback Launches March 19
5 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 11:22:31 AM

Hello Awesome Backers:

In less than two weeks, I will launch the Kickstarter for our very first hardback! I'm so excited. Here's the lettered version of the cover by Rebekah Isaacs.

This cover just screams to have foil stamping. And guess what, that will be one of the stretch goals. :)   

There will also be an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL during the first 48 hours of the campaign. So, be sure to sign up to be notified when we launch. 



Elisabeth notified me that she's about ready to start inking pages. I'm hoping to see a few come in next week. Depending on her progress will determine when the next Kickstarter for Issue 3 and 4 will be. I will keep you posted.

Quite a number of campaigns have launched this week, but here's a couple that caught my eye.


Dragon Grit #1 - Fantasy Western (With Dragons!)

A tough-as-nails ex-outlaw takes a risky escort job while being pursued by an old rival.

If you like movies like Tombstone, True Grit, or Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, you'll love Dragon Grit.

Kickstarter Link:


It's STAR WARS meets THE WIZ in this brand new action-adventure comic-book from a Black Femmes creative team!

Moriyah Pleasant is a charismatic and witty queen with the magic touch. As a successful NYC dating coach with a reputation as an “incel whisperer,” the results don’t lie –– until her latest matchmaking gig goes awry, leading to some irreconcilable differences.

Kickstarter Link:

Thank you. More to come!

Best, Madeleine

Hardback Cover Reveal, Kickstarter Thank You Wall is Up and more!
5 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 10:36:58 AM

Hello Awesome Backers:

Yes, the campaign for the special limited edition hardback is coming. And without further ado, here's our amazing cover by Rebekah Isaacs, with color by Kurt Michael Russell.

This special limited edition hardcover (162 pages) will include our original six issue mini-series, pin up art by Jessie Mesa Toves, Melissa Pagluica, and Karl Altstaetter, weapons sketches from Granville's workshop (new), and a brand new exclusive 10 page story with art by MJ Erickson.

I've got some new and super cool things planned, so be sure to click below to be notified when we launch.



I almost forgot. The Kickstarter Thank you Wall is live. Please take a look. If a name was misspelled, let me know and I'll fix it. The conversion from Backerkit to Excel sometimes gets wonky. I do check it, but every once in awhile I miss something.


AND...there are some cool campaigns going on you should check out.


HEIRS OF ISILDUR: The Perilous Prospects Books 1-3

Will MYKAL ISILDUR's return from his supernatural sabbatical be enough to turn the tide on the apocalyptic collapse of SHADOW'S HAVEN?

MYKAL ISILDUR is BACK from his supernatural sabbatical, and not a moment too soon. He returned with a clear vision and purpose, but unfortunately for him, so much changed while he was gone. 

Kickstarter Link:

THE PEACEKEEPERS #1-4 from Ringo Award-Winner Rylend Grant

Bank robbery! Murder! Mayhem! A twisted, howl-at-the-freakin'-moon crime drama from the creator of ABERRANT, BANJAX, and THE JUMP.

All hell breaks loose in a quaint northern Michigan community when a team of in-over-their-heads bank robbers kills a beloved Sheriff’s Deputy. In a small town with BIG secrets, local detective Richard Holton races to peel back the layers of a depraved down home conspiracy before the bungling Federal Agents assigned to the case send everyone involved to ground.

Kickstarter Link:

More to come! Thank you.

Best, Madeleine